archive 016


A DDoS is the most commonly used type of cyberattack and is based on sending hundreds of requests to the system or the

requested page until the server cannot support them and the page goes down

A botnet is a network of computers subjugated by a virus, malicious file or voluntarily that is dedicated to sending prolonged attacks.

These attacks are systematic and are sent from many IPs to take down a website.

A systematic network of two may seem the same but they are usually cybersecurity groups that for social or political reasons make prolonged attacks.

A nullnet It is a computer system in charge of creating IPS or hijacking IPS and replicating it when doing a DDoS so that attacks are not intercepted and attacks are not intercepted.

A nullnet usually creates a request and sends them to the system through simulated IPs so that they are not intercepted


a Dosfender (thanks for the joke Zartex ).

is a system created to identify Dos or DDoS attacks and intercept them towards an external server so that the target is not thrown

by putting a cyber barrier in between that intercepts requests that are usually

of HTTP, TCP or UDP type.